by Emily Brightwell
Isn't that a cute cover? And this is another cute entry in the "Mrs. Jeffries Mysteries" series... A very Seasonal "cozy" mystery.
Will we be in for a real winter snow storm, in "my neck of the woods", this coming weekend...? -sigh- Got to make sure we are stocked up, before it blows in. ~~~~~~~~~ Btw, I'm in the NE, so we "know" snow. But the older I get, the less I seem to be able to "handle" the cold. So I don't want to have to go out, in it. :-)
"Christmas won't be Christmas
without any presents."
~Louisa May Alcott 'Little Women'
With all my reading of British "cozies," I'm using my tea kettle to heat water for my decaf. Instead of heating it, in a measuring cup, in the microwave. But all we have is a very plain little tea kettle.
I hope I will have a cute little red and white polka dot tea kettle, after Christmas. :-))))
I hope.
I hope.
I hope.
I hope I will have a cute little red and white polka dot tea kettle, after Christmas. :-))))
I hope.
I hope.
I hope.