Wednesday, October 30, 2013

One more day... ,-)

 Wed. AM
First snow greeted me!
It will be lucky if it even makes a "dusting," but still, it is the first snow fall of the year.
"Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells..."  ,-)

I hit the jackpot!  ,-)  Actually, I failed to pay for my subscription, till late, and the mailing got mixed up.  It's my fault.  But it's fine.  I still will enjoy the Autumn issue.

Don't know about you, but we LOVE  "Duck Dynasty"!!!  We've been watching, since our next-door son introduced us to it, this spring.  LOVE it!!!

I got Phil's book and Willy's book, out of the library.  And was going to buy the books, for both our families.  Son had to fly (for work) and downloaded Phil's book to his Kindle.  So he could read it, on the plane.  I finally got Willy's book, for my daughter in law, who really likes Willy.  :-)  
(My fav... JASE!)
And I got Si's book of course.  Between real books and Kindle, both families have the Duck Dynasty books, now!!!!  :-)

The visit by "The Frost Faeries," seems to have turned that bush, to really red.  I prefer it this way, rather than the kind of orange-y, it's been.  Thank you 'Frost Faeries'!

Yes, that photo has had a blurry effect, done to it.  Blurry is one of the things I can do, with the iPhoto Ap, which comes right on my iMac.  I don't have any of the "real" Photo-shopping-Downloads.  Don't want 'em, actually.  I don't care for fancy effects, done with the "real" Photo-shopping-Downloads.  But that's just me!!!

Watch out though!  I may get on a "Blurry Kick."  You could be inundated with blurry pics!  Eeeek!  ,-) 

This isn't blurry though.  It's the beautiful old Oak Tree, in the next yard.  We love, love, love this tree.

A more close-up...  Isn't it a majestic tree?  -happy sigh-

"October's Party"
 October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came-
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.


Laura S Reading said...

I only know the DD guys from their appearance on Last Man Standing on ABC.
Ms MArfi will be hosting a Book and Blanket event coming up in November. I do not know details yet, but will share them when I hear.

I miss receiving my glorious special magazines but I tend to save them all. Never enough time.

Sylvia said...

I love that black and white photo of the tree! I get a little blurry sometimes too,Tessa.

Anonymous said...

Ah those pesky little white flakes! Yes, we received our first snow flakes of the season as well this past Wednesday morning. Didn't amount to anything but like you said nonetheless our first snow fall!
Hugs and be warm my sweet blogging sister